Connect Downtown: Planning a Vibrant Town Centre
We are developing an Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) for the Town Centre to replace the existing 1998 Town Centre Enhancement Concept Plan that has reached the end of its lifespan. We are calling this new plan, Connect Downtown. Connect Downtown will provide a long-term plan for downtown to guide the evolution of the space to the year 2050.
The final plan will address several interconnected topics that will shape the future of the downtown, including the future look, feel, and function of Main Street, how we move through downtown, ways to integrate more housing, and reimagining downtown parks and open spaces
As we develop the plan, there is an opportunity for the public to provide input that will help define how people live, experience, and travel downtown in the future.
Get Involved
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our community engagement efforts so far. We'll share details about upcoming opportunities to provide your input as the plan progresses.
To stay informed, you can sign up for project updates by clicking the sidebar.
Get Informed
- Read the What We Heard Report from the Options phase of the project.
- Read the Vision Document and What We Heard Report from the Vision phase of the project.
- Read the existing Town Centre Enhancement Concept Plan
How We Will Use Your Input
Your feedback throughout the process will be considered and reflected in the final plan that will be considered by Town Council in early 2025.
To learn more, contact our team by email at
We are developing an Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) for the Town Centre to replace the existing 1998 Town Centre Enhancement Concept Plan that has reached the end of its lifespan. We are calling this new plan, Connect Downtown. Connect Downtown will provide a long-term plan for downtown to guide the evolution of the space to the year 2050.
The final plan will address several interconnected topics that will shape the future of the downtown, including the future look, feel, and function of Main Street, how we move through downtown, ways to integrate more housing, and reimagining downtown parks and open spaces
As we develop the plan, there is an opportunity for the public to provide input that will help define how people live, experience, and travel downtown in the future.
Get Involved
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our community engagement efforts so far. We'll share details about upcoming opportunities to provide your input as the plan progresses.
To stay informed, you can sign up for project updates by clicking the sidebar.
Get Informed
- Read the What We Heard Report from the Options phase of the project.
- Read the Vision Document and What We Heard Report from the Vision phase of the project.
- Read the existing Town Centre Enhancement Concept Plan
How We Will Use Your Input
Your feedback throughout the process will be considered and reflected in the final plan that will be considered by Town Council in early 2025.
To learn more, contact our team by email at
What We Heard Report - Options Phase
Share What We Heard Report - Options Phase on Facebook Share What We Heard Report - Options Phase on Twitter Share What We Heard Report - Options Phase on Linkedin Email What We Heard Report - Options Phase linkOn the tail of our extensive first phase of engagement where we sought broad-based input about our community’s priorities for this plan, the Options phase of engagement served as a pulse check to determine if we were on the right track prior to developing a draft plan.
In the spirit of transparency, we presented all potential strategies and concepts under consideration. Information about all the proposed strategies was available on our MyCanmore website, integrated into our pop-engagement at Elevation Place, and acted as the backbone of our online survey.
Typically, we do not conduct engagement in the summer months; however, we wanted to provide as many engagement touchstones as possible throughout the planning process and prior to drafting the plan. And despite the summer timeline, we exceeded our past records for engagement turnout.
We received over 2,400 comments from a diverse representation of individuals, community organizations, industry associations and businesses—including 1,759 responses to our online survey.
Overall, the feedback confirms that the project is moving in the right direction. However, the planning team will need to carefully balance community concerns with the broader objectives of the plan, particularly regarding increases in building heights and density.
Read the full report to learn more about what we heard from the community.
Close of Options Phase
Share Close of Options Phase on Facebook Share Close of Options Phase on Twitter Share Close of Options Phase on Linkedin Email Close of Options Phase linkThank you to everyone who participated in the Options phase of the project. We received spirited input from over 2,000 people through an online survey, a three-week pop-up at Elevation Place, meetings with residents, and a stakeholder workshop.
We are currently reviewing feedback received during the process and will release a comprehensive What We Heard Report this fall as we prepare a draft plan that we will present back to the community for input in early 2025. It is important to note that the ideas presented were preliminary concepts and may look different in the final Area Redevelopment Plan.
Thank you to believing in the future of our community!
Vision Document and What We Heard Report Released
Share Vision Document and What We Heard Report Released on Facebook Share Vision Document and What We Heard Report Released on Twitter Share Vision Document and What We Heard Report Released on Linkedin Email Vision Document and What We Heard Report Released linkOn May 21, 2024, we presented the final Vision Document with the supporting What We Heard Report to Council.
Connect Downtown publicly launched in October 2023 and is anticipated to be completed by Spring 2025.The first public-facing phase of work was the “Visioning” phase, which involved broad community engagement and research to understand what people value downtown and what opportunities there are for improvement. In total, more than 1,600 direct interactions with the community and stakeholders helped improve our understanding of what is working downtown today, what people want to see changed, and what is possible in the future.
The results from this phase of work supported the creation of a community vision for the future of downtown, which includes a vision statement, six core values, and ten big ideas. Together, these elements will be used to inform the development of draft policy in the “Options” phase of work that will happen next.
This report articulates this community vision along with a detailed summary of what we heard through engagement.
Close of Visioning Phase
Share Close of Visioning Phase on Facebook Share Close of Visioning Phase on Twitter Share Close of Visioning Phase on Linkedin Email Close of Visioning Phase linkThank you to everyone who participated in the Visioning phase of the project. Over 3000 people participated in this phase of the project, including online tools, classroom workshops, and a downtown-wide music festival. Your contributions are essential in shaping the future of our community.
We are currently reviewing feedback received during the process and will release a comprehensive What We Heard Report alongside a Visioning Document later this spring.
Follow this page as we prepare for the next engagement phase of the project this summer where we will seek your input on potential policy options for downtown.
A Wrap on the Warm Up!
Share A Wrap on the Warm Up! on Facebook Share A Wrap on the Warm Up! on Twitter Share A Wrap on the Warm Up! on Linkedin Email A Wrap on the Warm Up! linkTHAT’S A WRAP!We are blown away, Canmore! Thank you to everyone who came out to support local music for the first-ever Warm Up! This weekend was a testament to the wonderful community we get to call home.We also saw over 800 people share their vision for the future of downtown as part of Connect Downtown to help shape a future that can host more great events like this one.
And we couldn't have done it without our partner Canmore Folk Music Festival, volunteers, emcees, and YOU! -
What's Your Big Idea for Downtown Canmore?
Share What's Your Big Idea for Downtown Canmore? on Facebook Share What's Your Big Idea for Downtown Canmore? on Twitter Share What's Your Big Idea for Downtown Canmore? on Linkedin Email What's Your Big Idea for Downtown Canmore? linkWe are developing an Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) to create a long-term plan for the Downtown’s future called, Connect Downtown: Planning for a Vibrant Town Centre.
As we develop the plan, there is an opportunity for the public to shape the future experience downtown – how people travel, gather, and interact with the space. Throughout 2024, there will be several key milestones for the public to provide input.
There are many ways that you can participate:
We invite you to tell us about your current experience, share what is important to you, and imagine what you want to see in the Downtown of 2050. Until March 1, there are many ways you can share your voice:
Take our survey for a chance to win a $100 gift card to a downtown business of your choice.
Drop a pin or a photo on our interactive map, add a big idea for downtown on our digital sounding board, or ask our Planning Team a question about the process.
Attend The Warm Up, presented with the Canmore Folk Music Festival on Feb. 9. Catch fresh tracks from your favourite local artists and share your thoughts about the future of downtown in person at our pop-up engagement for another chance to win a $100 gift card to a downtown business of your choice.
Be part of the conversation at our online workshop on Feb. 21 from 6-8 p.m. Space is limited. Reserve your spot now at
Save the Date for: The Warm Up - Catch Fresh Tracks Downtown Canmore
Share Save the Date for: The Warm Up - Catch Fresh Tracks Downtown Canmore on Facebook Share Save the Date for: The Warm Up - Catch Fresh Tracks Downtown Canmore on Twitter Share Save the Date for: The Warm Up - Catch Fresh Tracks Downtown Canmore on Linkedin Email Save the Date for: The Warm Up - Catch Fresh Tracks Downtown Canmore linkWe're teaming up with the Canmore Folk Music Festival to present The Warm Up: a micro music festival on the evening of Friday, Feb. 9 to kick off our public engagement for Connect Downtown.
Shake the frost and cozy into an evening of local music in intimate venues at The Warm Up, presented by the Canmore Folk Music Festival and the Town of Canmore as part of the Connect Downtown project to imagine the future of our town centre.
One night. 11 artists. Four venues—all within a snowball’s throw in downtown Canmore.
Event Schedule:
- 6- 9:30 p.m. The Warm Up Hub at the Civic Centre Plaza
- 7-10 p.m. Concerts at four downtown venues: Stonewaters, Communitea, Carter-Ryan Gallery, and the ArtsPlace
- 9:30-10:30 p.m. Stonewaters Après Party
Line Up:
- Amelie Patterson, Cave Arcade, Mike Tod, and more!
Between musical sets at iconic local venues to catch all your favourite local artists, grab cocoa at the Warm Up Hub in the Civic Centre Plaza. While you’re there, share your vision for the future of downtown at our Connect Downtown engagement for a chance to win a $100 giftcard to a downtown business of your choice.
The Warm Up is free, but space is as limited as fresh tracks on a powder day. Arrive early to lock down that first-chair feeling! If a concert is full, wander to the next venue like you would festival stages since performances are happening throughout the night at each location.
Then don’t miss the Après Party at Stonewaters from 9:30-10:30 p.m. to close out the night.
Learn more about Connect Downtown at
For schedule and full event details, visit:
Phase 1: Visioning
Connect Downtown: Planning a Vibrant Town Centre has finished this stageNovember 2023 - March 2024
Gather baseline public and Indigenous input about the current experience and future aspirations for downtown. Develop a Vision document to guide the next phases of the project.
Phase 2: Options
Connect Downtown: Planning a Vibrant Town Centre has finished this stageSummer 2024
Gather public and Indigenous input about potential strategies that would reshape how we interact with the downtown over the decades to come.
Phase 3: Develop a Draft Plan
Connect Downtown: Planning a Vibrant Town Centre is currently at this stageFall 2024
Develop a draft downtown Area Redevelopment Plan
Phase 4: Draft Plan
this is an upcoming stage for Connect Downtown: Planning a Vibrant Town CentreEarly 2025
Gather public and Indigenous input on the draft downtown Area Redevelopment Plan.
Phase 5: Present to Council
this is an upcoming stage for Connect Downtown: Planning a Vibrant Town CentreSpring 2025
Present the draft downtown Area Redevelopment Plan to Council. This process will include a public hearing.
Final Plan
this is an upcoming stage for Connect Downtown: Planning a Vibrant Town CentreSpring 2025
Release the final downtown Area Redevelopment Plan.
Who's Listening
Senior Policy Planner
JC -
Communications Advisor
Key Documents
Connect Downtown - Options Phase What We Heard Report (2.02 MB) (pdf)
Connect Downtown - Options - Information Boards (8.61 MB) (pdf)
Connect Downtown - Vision Document (2.15 MB) (pdf)
Connect Downtown - Visioning - Information Boards (7.73 MB) (pdf)
1998 Town Centre Enhancement Concept Plan (103 KB) (pdf)