Vision Document and What We Heard Report Released

On May 21, 2024, we presented the final Vision Document with the supporting What We Heard Report to Council.

Connect Downtown publicly launched in October 2023 and is anticipated to be completed by Spring 2025.The first public-facing phase of work was the “Visioning” phase, which involved broad community engagement and research to understand what people value downtown and what opportunities there are for improvement. In total, more than 1,600 direct interactions with the community and stakeholders helped improve our understanding of what is working downtown today, what people want to see changed, and what is possible in the future.

The results from this phase of work supported the creation of a community vision for the future of downtown, which includes a vision statement, six core values, and ten big ideas. Together, these elements will be used to inform the development of draft policy in the “Options” phase of work that will happen next.

This report articulates this community vision along with a detailed summary of what we heard through engagement.

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