Palliser Area Structure Plan Update
On Nov. 7, 2023, Council gave their blessing to the Palliser Trail ASP - a monumental plan led by the Town of Canmore to create a complete, walkable, mixed-use, and sustainable community capable of offering up to 1,000 non-market units that can meet the needs of residents. For details, visit: Plans: Town of Canmore
On Nov. 7, 2023, Council gave their blessing to the Palliser Trail ASP - a monumental plan led by the Town of Canmore to create a complete, walkable, mixed-use, and sustainable community capable of offering up to 1,000 non-market units that can meet the needs of residents. For details, visit: Plans: Town of Canmore
The Palliser Trail Area Structure Plan (ASP) is a framework to guide future change and growth in the Palliser Trail area. The original ASP was adopted in the year 2000; the updated ASP ensures the plan remains relevant in today’s context and that future development contributes to community priorities.
Project Information
An Area Structure Plan (ASP) is a high-level land use plan that provides a framework for future development in a specific area. It identifies a high-level future vision for the area and provides a conceptual layout for general land uses, utility infrastructure, roads, public spaces and recreation.
We reviewed the current Palliser Trail ASP to ensure it remains relevant today and to identify opportunities for improvement. Updated policy was informed by four key goals:
- Prioritize the development of diverse, affordable, and attainable housing.
- Encourage the creation of a complete, mixed-use, and walkable neighbourhood.
- Create new opportunities on Town of Canmore and Canmore Community Housing (CCH) lands.
- Align the Area Structure Plan with current Town, Council, and community priorities
Updated Area Structure Plan
We prepared an updated Palliser Trail ASP (2023) with input from Council, administration, stakeholders, and the community. In March 2023, administration engaged the over 300 community members through two pop-up engagement sessions, an open house event, an online survey, and an online interactive question tool. We used this feedback to inform the final draft of the updated plan.
Summary of Key Updates in the Updated ASP
- Changed land uses from highway-oriented commercial and tourism uses to an emphasis on residential and mixed-use development.
- Additional clarity on anticipated uses, densities, and heights throughout the plan area including an increase to the maximum heights in key areas (i.e., up to 6 storeys).
- New green development requirements, including near net zero standards or equivalent and readiness for electric vehicle charging and solar power.
- New urban design policies for the plan area with respect to building siting, design, and orientation. Emphasis on creating a varied building form, views, and access to sunlight.
- Added new residential and affordable housing policy requiring a minimum of 75% of residential units to be secured as non-market affordable housing units.
- Updated direction for open spaces and recreation, including the provision of playground facilities and a new off-leash dog park.
- Future expansion of ROAM transit service to the Palliser Trail area.
Learn More
- Read the full What We Heard report for details on how we reflected public input in the plan
- Read the draft Updated Palliser ASP
- Read the Parking Study
- Read the Transportation Impact Assessment